Sunday, October 31, 2010

Off Our Meds MultiMedia, on Twitter

You've seen our tweets as Zero to Sold.  You may have watched some of our promotional trailers, seen our cover art, admired our press kits.  What you maybe don't know is that we started doing promotional materials for our own work.  It just so happened that we got such great feedback on it that we started offering it to others.  Thus was born Zero to Sold (aka ZTS Promotions).

Good stuff.

But here's the thing.  While we've been busy helping others get started on their journey, we haven't sat still.  Off Our Meds MultiMedia has a full slate of film, television (reality and narrative) and new media projects that are quite literally turn-key.  Ready to go.  And many of them have gotten some great attention.

So, at this point we're switching gears, at least as far as Twitter is concerned.  We're reaching out to other filmmakers, producers, venture capitalists, etc. in order to continue moving forward on what is our first and foremost passion: creating amazing entertainment!!

So, keep watching our stream for new developments, links to previous projects or trailers for current ones, and informative tweets.  Off Our Meds MulitMedia...we're just crazy enough! :)